Violinkai Club House

Alton Highschool Page
News and Wheather
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Violinkai Chat room
You have entered the tourmented rhealm of Violinkai.
Welcome to my personal interests page. It was originally implameted to organise my hectic life. However, it got very boaring and now Have a lack of content to support this web site. It's like having a bridge that no one but you can drive over and after a few passes it gets boaring and you run out of gas. The information contained in this site still has materials I need to use for school and I'm not to be held responsable if you use my material for illegal or otherwize immoral intentions. For your comfort I have added a message board and a chat room; wich I encourage you to have fun in and meet new people. However, I do ask that you try and be helpful toward your fellow human beings. After all, not to be so dull, but we are supposed to be together in times of economic.... well, hardships. If you have ever comments, questions, or even sugestions feel free to email me at or instant messange me violinkai87
By coming to this site, you agree that all this information is not to be used for illegal intentions. If caught, YOU MAY BE PUNISHED and I will be left alone. So don't come arresting me if one of these bone heads tries to copy any information provided on this site.

If you want to learn more about my upcoming newsletter and web ring please email me (subject: newsletter/webring) It will take a month or two to get started since I actually need people who want the newsletter and sites to ring to.

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-New survey!
We now have a survey that kicks butt! (In the message board page) Please just fill in the information (none of it is required) and it will be directly sent to me.

Violinkai Club House

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